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Welcome to the FBINAA European Chapter 41st Retraining Session website!

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We have the pleasure of inviting you to the FBINAA European Chapter’s 41st Retraining Conference in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Retrainer Dates: Saturday 20 September to Wednesday 24 September 2025

Conference Location: Holiday Inn Hotel Skopje, “Filip Vtori Makedonski“ 5, 1000, Skopje

Conference Theme

The theme of the conference is “At the crossroads of change: Tackling traditional and emerging security challenges“, with an emphasis on the analysis of the development of security threats, focusing on established challenges and emerging challenges. Key discussions will be targeted at the role of threat assessments by law enforcement, strategies to adapt to technological development, integration of new technologies, investigations and operational police activity.

The lectures will be held by experts from FBI, EUROPOL, private sector, academia, North Macedonia Police.


Registration for the FBINAA 41st Retraining Conference in Skopje opens on 1 May 2025. Deadline is 31 May 2025.

Further information about the event will be available well before the registration deadline.

Click the button above to enter the full website to register and find out all of the exciting details about the Retrainer.

Note: The website is password protected.

The password will be provided via email AFTER 5 MAY 2024

Need the password? email with your Full Name, Session Number, and Country.

Provisional schedule

Saturday 20 September

12:00-20:00     Arrival and registration

19:00-21:30     “Ice Breaker”


Sunday 21 September

08:00-17:00     Arrival and registration

09:00-11:00    Training sessions

13:00-18:00    Sight-seeing in Skopje

18:30-21:00    Reception traditional atmosphere


Monday 22 September

09:00-10:30    Ceremonial opening of the conference

10:30-16:30    Training sessions

18:30-21:30    Reception in the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence


Tuesday 23 September

07:00-08:00     5K City run

09:00-16:30     Training sessions

14:00-16:00    General Assembly FBINAA EC

19:00-23:00    Cultural evening dinner (Gala dinner)


Wednesday 24 September

09:00-11:30    Training sessions

11:30-12:00    Closing remarks

We look forward to meeting you in Skopje!